Tips dan Trik lengkap dragon city: 2013

Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Tips dan Trik lengkap dragon city


 Tips lengkap bangeet ., !!

 Dragon City adalah game tentang sebuah kota diatas langit yg dihuni oleh naga .
 disitu kita juga bisa mengoleksi naga .

Basic Breeding Dragons

To start breeding the dragons, you must first have these basic building blocks. You must purchase these dragons from eggs because you do not have the parents to generate and mate for these basic dragons.Dragon City
Plant Dragon
Fire Dragon
Earth Dragon
Water Dragon
Electric Dragon
Ice Dragon
Metal Dragon
Dark Dragon
  Generation 1 breeding dragons .:)

-Earth Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Earth + Fire = Flaming Rock or Volcano.
Earth + Plant = Tropical or Cactus.
Earth + Water = Mud or Waterfall.
Earth + Electric = Star or Chameleon.
Earth + Ice = Alpine or Snow Flake.
Earth + Metal = Armadillo.
Earth + Dark = Hedgehog or Venom.

-Fire Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Fire + Earth = Flaming Rock or Volcano.
Fire + Water = Cloud or Blizzard.
Fire + Plant = Firebird or Spicy.
Fire + Electric = Laser or Hot Metal.
Fire + Metal = Medieval or Steampunk.
Fire + Dark = Vampire or Dark Fire.

-Water Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Water + Earth = Mud.
Water + Fire = Cloud or Blizzard.
Water + Plant = Nenufar or Coral.
Water + Electric = Lantern Fish or Storm.
Water + Ice = Icecube or Ice Cream.
Water + Metal = Mercury or Seashell.

-Plant Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Plant + Earth = Tropical.
Plant + Fire = Firebird or Spicy.
Plant + Water = Nenufar or Coral.
Plant + Ice = Dandelion or Mojito.
Plant + Metal = Jade or Dragonfly.
Plant + Dark = Carnivore Plant or Rattle Snake.

-Electric Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Electric + Earth = Star or Chameleon.
Electric + Fire = Laser or Hot Metal.
Electric + Water = Lantern Fish or Storm.
Electric + Metal = Golden Or Battery.
Electric + Dark = Neon.
Electric + Ice = Moose.

-Ice Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Ice + Earth = Alpine or Snow Flake.
Ice + Water = Icecube or Ice Cream.
Ice + Plant = Dandelion or Mojito.
Ice + Medal = Platinum.
Ice + Electric = Moose.

-Metal Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Metal + Fire = Medieval or Steampunk.
Metal + Water = Mercury or Seashell.
Metal + Ice = Platinum.
Metal + Plant = Jade or Dragonfly.
Metal + Electric = Golden or Battery.
Metal + Dark = Zombie.

-Dark Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Dark + Earth = Hedgehog or Venom.
Dark + Fire = Vampire or Dark Fire.
Dark + Plant = Carnivore Plant Or Rattle Snake.
Dark + Electric = Neon.
Dark + Ice = Penguin.
Dark + Metal = Zombie.
Dark + Mud = Poo.

Generation 2 Dragon Breeding – Hybrid Rare


Mud + Dark = Poo.
Medieval + Alpine = Cool Fire atau Soccer atau Pearl atau Armadillo atau Flaming Rock
Neon + Nenufar = Pirate.
Zombie + Mud = Petroleum.
Laser + Dandelion = Gummy or Fluorescent or Laser.
Special Notes:
Cool Fire can also be obtained through Laser (Fire + Electric) and Dandelion (Plant + Ice), Firebird and Ice.
Armadillo can also obtained through: medieval + alpine, pearl + alpine, jade+star, Zombie + Mud, and Pearl + flaming rock dragon
Gummy can also be obtained through: Firebird + fluorecent, firebird + star, Jade + star, and neon + nenufar
 Generation 4 - Pure Dragon 
Pure Dragon – dapat didapatkan dengan menggabungkan antara legend dengan legend
 – Legendary, Crystal, Mirror, Wind. For example, Legendary + Crystal, Crystal + Mirror,

Generation 5 - The Pure Element Dragons

setelah kamu mendapatkan PURE DRAGON , kamu bisa mengawinkanya .

Pure Plant = Pure Dragon + Plant Dragon
Pure Fire = Pure Dragon + Fire Dragon
Pure Earth = Pure Dragon + Earth Dragon
Pure Water = Pure Dragon + Water Dragon
Pure Electric = Pure Dragon + Electric Dragon
Pure Ice = Pure Dragon + Ice Dragon
Pure Metal = Pure Dragon + Metal Dragon
Pure Dark = Pure Dragon + Dark Dragon

cara mendapatkan Rare dragon .
Rare dragon adalah jenis dragon yang langka yg maan tidak mudah untuk mendapatkan. Dragon ini diantarnya Gummy Dragon, Cool Fire Dragon, Soccer Dragon, Armadillo Dragon, Petroleum Dragon, Pirate Dragon, Poo Dragon. Untuk mendapatkan naga2 diatas kita bisa combine naga-naga berikut:

1. Gummy Dragon :
Elemen : electric + plant
Waktu Bertelur Gummy Dragon = 8 jam
 Gummy3.png Gummy Dragon Egg.png
combination :
Cactus + Chameleon
Tropical + Star
Laser + Dandelion

2. Cool Fire Dragon:
Elemen : Fire + Ice
Waktu Bertelur Cool Fire Dragon = 4 jam
Screen-capture.png Cool Fire Dragon Egg.png 
combination :
Volcano + Alpine 
Laser + Dandelion
Alpine + Medieval

3. Armadillo Dragon
Elemen : Earth + Metal
Armadillo3.png  Armadillo Dragon egg.png 
combination :
Waterfall + Zombie
Alpine + Medieval

4. Pirate Dragon
Elemen : Dark + Water
Waktu Bertelur Pirate Dragon 15 jam
combination :
Neon + Nenufar
Mud + Hedgehog
Waterfall + Venom

5. Soccer Dragon
Elemen Ice + Fire
Waktu Bertelur Soccer Dragon = 12 jam
S dragon Trnspt.png
combination : 
Flaming Rock + Snowflake
Volcano + Alpine

6. Petroleum Dragon
Elemen : Dark + Water
Waktu Bertelur Petroleum Dragon = 12 jam
combination :
Neon + Nenufar
Strom + Neon
Lantern Fish + Carnivore Plant

7. Poo Dragon
Waktu Bertelur Poo Dragon = 14 jam
combination : 
Mud + Petroleum
Hedegehog + Water 

Cara mendapatkan Legend Dragon

Legend dragon adalah jenis naga yang sangat langka. Kalian harus bergantung pada  keburentungan untuk mendapatkan jenis naga ini. Diantaranya adalah Legendary dragon, Wind Dragon, Crystal Dragon, Mirror Dragon.

Info : Untuk mendaptkan naga ini bisa mengcombine antara rare dragon + rare dragon. Tapi kita belum tentu bisa dapat dengan sekali coba. Kalian tidak harus mengcombine seperi yang dibawah ini.  Legend dragon memiliki waktu bertelur yang lama yaitu  2 hari.

Legendary Dragon – Hybrid Rare + Hybrid Rare.
Sprite 620001.png

Crystal Dragon – Coolfire + Soccer

Mirror Dragon – Hybrid Rare + Hybrid Rare.

Wind Dragon – Hybrid Rare + Hybrid Rare.
 ini dia gambar telur naga dragon city

 dan ini adalah gambar telur naga yg sangat langka .